Professional Medical Cover for Events and Shows

Adam McConkey



We can provide you with a vast array of resources that aid our teams and those that require our services.

Just some of the equipment carried on each vehicle is detailed below:

  • Vehicles

    • Frontline Ambulances
    • Rapid Response Units
    • 4x4 Ambulances
    • Quad bikes
    • Off road motor bikes
    • Push bikes

    All drivers have vast experience and are trained in response driving and those that operate the 4x4 units have attended an off road course.

  • Communications

    We can offer the use of our communications system to aid your operations these operate on a UHF frequency and boast a 5 watt power from each mobile handset.

    If you require and your site of operations is over a large distance we can utilise the use of a repeater to extend the range of these units.

    These are subject to availability.

  • Medical stations

    When operating on a big field this may require a treatment area, we can provide structures that aid us in our duties and can be used as a command post during emergency situations.

    Our medical stations are powered and heated for all weather use.

Quote for Medical Cover for my event